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Puppy Culture Represents A Gold Standard In Puppy Rearing & Early Socialization.

 The puppy culture difference.  Why are our puppies better?  To begin, all of our puppies with the "Puppy Culture" Program by using the DVD set (created by Jane Killion of Madcap Bull Terriers) so that your puppy can be raised with the most skills and potential he or she can have to lead the best life possible. Puppies raised on Puppy Culture have been proven to have greater resistance to both stress and disease, have stronger heart rates and stronger heart beats along with a stronger adrenal system. Because we provide Exercise, Enrichment, and Stimulation (which are more than just entertainment!) Scientific Studies have shown that  animals who are raised in a stimulus rich environment (such as this), with lots of toys, exercise, and challenges, have larger brains, with more neuro-connections than animals raised in  stimulus poor  environment have.  The stimulation actually causes animals to grow up to 5% more brain (and within that 5% more brain, are anywhere from 25 - 200 neuro-connections!) Studies have shown that the area of the brain where these new brain cells form is actually the area related to learning, memory, and emotional response. This is consistent with the findings of scientists that animals raised in enriching environments demonstrate increased learning ability, with better retention, and appear more stable, less fearful and better able to cope with and recover from frightening or stressful things.  So, by going above and beyond with our puppies (and especially between the puppy's 3rd and 16th days of life by providing early neurological stimulation), we can shape our puppies futures to be the best that they can be so that they can be the dog that everyone would want to own.


              In addition, by following the Puppy Culture protocol through the first 12 weeks of age (and even better, for the rest of the puppy's life) you can and will, greatly limit the potential for behavioral problems to arise! Our puppies leave us here at Magical Toy Aussies between 8 - 10 weeks of age. Our puppies stay here until this age, because there are 2 sets of fear periods that all puppies will go through. The start of a fear period is at 5 weeks old and again much stronger around 8 weeks old. This major fear period can greatly affect your puppy and the rest of its life, should a bad experience happen during this time. By keeping our puppies until the age that the fear imprint stage levels off, which is right around 10 weeks, we can help ensure that our puppies will not experience any negatively affecting traumatic experiences before the level off period.


        Puppies leaving to their new homes at this age is less stressful, better for their mental health, and is safer with a vaccination on board. We then start to socialize puppies around this age. Any puppies staying longer than 10 weeks will be included in the socialization that we do with our "keeper" puppies. The first 12 weeks of a puppy's life is the MOST IMPORTANT time in shaping the way that puppy will live and cope with its life. It is HIGHLY recommended that you get out with your new puppy and allow him or her to experience as many different things as they can. You have 2 weeks left within this critical time to help create the puppy you will love for the next upwards of 15 years. This means getting your dog out and meeting new people (of all races, heights, genders, ages, with different objects such as hats, high heels, boots, coats, crutches, canes, etc), meeting new dogs (of all shapes and sizes, long hair, short hair, floppy and prick ears, puppies, adults, disabled, etc) and as many experiences as you can, especially if your puppy is going to be partaking in them when he or she is an adult (such as camping, boating, car rides, etc) Be cautious but get out there! :) By continuing this program for the rest of your puppy's life, you will create a puppy that will be happy, carefree, and a joy to live with and allow the puppy the life he or she was destined to live. Both you and your puppy will enjoy your many journeys through life together , with very few, if any, behavioral problems.

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